

perfect & safestriking & memorablefast & reliable

your security:
our 30 years of experience

highest quality:
we only process skystickers

our advantage:
all materials & colors in stock

about us

market leader for aviation equipment labels

In 1995 we labeled our first paraglider on the floor in the courtyard. Computer and cutting technology were still in their infancy, and the material used was a heavy number cloth from the sailing sector. In 2000 we moved into our own workshop. In 2004 we developed our own, lightweight labeling material: skysticker.

  • 1995 first paraglider lettering
  • 2000 moving to our own workshop
  • 2004 development of skysticker light
  • 2006 Introduction of the world's lightest labeling material: skysticker ultralight
  • 2008 follow skysticker digital and whitemetallic
  • 2023 Peer Helbig enters production

As a qualified paraglider flight instructor, two-seater instructor and winch instructor, Gerald has the feeling and knack for every glider. His long-standing collaboration with well-known manufacturers leaves no question unanswered.

  • 1995 first paraglider lettering
  • 2000 moving to our own workshop
  • 2004 development of skysticker light
  • 2006 Introduction of the world's lightest labeling material: skysticker ultralight
  • 2008 follow skysticker digital and whitemetallic
  • 2023 Peer Helbig enters production

In 2023, Peer Helbig joined production and assembly. A great relief for the older generation, who now have a little more time for their great hobby: traveling.

  • 1995 first paraglider lettering
  • 2000 moving to our own workshop
  • 2004 development of skysticker light
  • 2006 Introduction of the world's lightest labeling material: skysticker ultralight
  • 2008 follow skysticker digital and whitemetallic
  • 2023 Peer Helbig enters production
years of experience
labels and more
you will fly on it

versatile & flexible:
our portfolio


paraglider imprints

perfect & safe


hangglider imprints

Advertising that stands out


paramotor imprints

maximum effect


speedglider imprints

most extreme operating conditions


sail stickers

wind & weather resistant



for service companies

Installations for customers within the EU

We ship our stickers WORLDWIDE

more in the gallery

pictures say more than words...


Office Address

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli
Prikano, Dope

Phone Number

+0989 7876 9865 9

+(090) 8765 86543 85

Email Address

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